TRD-HB auxiliar de remull

TRD-HB auxiliar de remull

TRD-HB és un estabilitzador de llarga durada en el procés de remull per millorar la qualitat de la pell. És molt adequat per eliminar el greix natural de la pell i contribueix a una millor distribució i penetració dels productes en els diferents processos. Estabilitza...
TRD-HB auxiliar de remull

TRD-HB auxiliar de remojo

TRD-HB es un estabilizador de larga duración en el proceso de remojo para mejorar la calidad de la piel. Es muy adecuado para eliminar la grasa natural de la piel y contribuye a una mejor distribución y penetración de los productos en los diferentes procesos....
TRD-HB auxiliar de remull

TRD-HB soaking auxiliary

TRD-HB is a long life pH stabilizer in the soaking process to improve the pelt quality. It is very suitable to remove the natural fat of the skin, helping the good distribution and penetration of products in the different processes. It assures a stable pH which allows...
We have a new website

We have a new website

Quimser’s new website is now operational. The new site, which is presented in three languages, English, Spanish and Catalan, is more dynamic and accessible and provides further information about our products and services. We invite you to learn more about all...
Technical agreement with  Elegant Fashion Chemicals Ltd.

Technical agreement with Elegant Fashion Chemicals Ltd.

We inform you that we have established a technical agreement with Elegant Fashion Fiber Chemicals Ltd. This company is based on Kolkata Leather Complex, Bantalla, Kadaidanga ( KLC), India  This alliance will enable to maximaze synergies between the two companies....