By your side, our goal is your success
We are committed to offer our best version in the chemical industry, that’s why we have received five different certificates which prove our endorsement towards our chemical field. These certificates are not only represented by local institutions, but also internationally and globally.
The aim of them all is to confirm our professionalism when working with chemistry products at different levels. This means we care for the health of our workers, we keep a protocol to manufacture and promote sustainable leather products by respecting the environment and all its ecosystems apart from offering high quality products.
What’s more, we are involved in promoting growth, increase the competitiveness as well as promoting the education in the leather industry.
All these certificates prove our commitment towards to chemical and leather industry in order to offer the best high quality products.

ZDHC 1 Certification
Strenghtening our sustainable development strategy
We have taken another step in our sustainable development strategy by obtaining ZDHC level 1 certification for our products. ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) is a global collaborative initiative that aims to eliminate the use of hazardous chemicals in the textile and footwear industry. This new certification of compliance, in addition to our existing certifications, demonstrates our commitment to sustainability and the responsible management of chemical products.
The ZDHC Level 1 certification ensures that our products comply with the ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL) version 3.1, which is a list of chemical substances banned from intentional use in the processing of leather, footwear and, textiles among other products. The ZDHC MRSL focuses on protecting consumers, workers, local communities, and the environment from the potential impacts of harmful chemicals.
Replacing hazardous substances with less harmful ones has long been a priority in our product development. A priority that is even more evident with our attainment of the ZDHC certification. For more information, please click here.

ZDHC 2 & 3 Certification
Having achieved ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) Level 1 in 2022, we have now attained Levels 2 and 3 in 2024, the top certification in its field. This ensures that our products comply with the ZDHC MRSL v3.1 and have been responsibly manufactured, offering our clients the highest standards of assurance and reliability. At the same time, it reinforces our commitment to safety and sustainability

REACH Compliance
REACH is a Regulation of the European Union, adopted in order to improve the protection of human health and the environment against the risks that chemical products may present, while enhancing the competitiveness of the EU chemical industry. QUIMSER, S.A. has registered as manufacturer the following chemical substances to ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) according to the European regulation REACH:
Castor oil, sulfated, sodium sal
EC 269-123-7 CAS 68187-76-8
Paraffin waxes and hydrocarbon waxes, chloro, sulfochlorinated, saponified
EC 939-314-6 CAS 1469983-39-8
Rape oil, sulfated, sodium salt
EC 281-978-8 CAS 84082-30-4

ISO 9001:2015
Quimser is aware of how important is the quality, not only in the products but also in the organizations. For that reason, one of its concerns is planning, checking and improving all the elements in the organization that affect directly the client’s satisfaction and the quality of our products.
Quimser has the quality certificate ISO 9001 since 2004.

ISO 14001:2015
At Quimser, we believe that it is essential to have an integrated quality and environmental management system. For that, we are part of the change to contribute to creating a more eco-friendly environment for our industry.
Quimser has the environmental certificate ISO 14001 since 2022.

Leather Cluster Barcelona
As a member of Leather Cluster Barcelona we share the mission to join, coordinate and stimulate efforts for all companies and agents in the value chain of the leather sector in Catalonia, in order to increase our competitiveness, improve our efficiency and promote growth of the joint business.
Do you want to know more about our Quality and Environmental Policy?