Quimser develop natural products. This moment we have a new Mimosa and Tara range:



SERTAN VGM : High Quality Mimosa for 100% veg tanning. Tannins content : 60%

SERTAN VGS : Standard Quality Mimosa for 100% veg tanning and Retanning. Tannins content : 50%

SERTAN VGF : Regular Mimosa medium tanning content medium quality veg vachetta and Retanning. Tannins content : 42%

SERTAN VGI : Regular Mimosa medium tanning content for low quality veg vachetta and Retanning. Tannins content : 35%



SERTAN VLM : High Quality Mimosa for 100% veg tanning. Light Colour. Tannins content : 60%

SERTAN VLS : Standard Quality Mimosa for 100% veg tanning and retanning. Light Colour Tannins content : 50%

SERTAN VLF : Regular Mimosa medium tanning content for low quality veg vachetta and Retanning. Tannins content : 42%

SERTAN VLI : Regular Mimosa medium tanning content for low quality veg vachetta and Retanning. Tannins content : 35%



SERTAN VTM : High Quality Tara for 100% veg tanning. Tannins content : 60%

SERTAN VTS : Standard Quality Tara for 100% veg tanning and Retanning. Tannins content : 50%

SERTAN VTI : Regular Tara medium tanning content Retanning. Tannins content : 35%

SERTAN RTE : Retanning product based in Biopolymers, Syntan and Vegetal Extract (Tara).


SERTAN RMD : Retanning product based in Biopolymers, Syntan and Vegetal Extract.

SERTAN RME : Retanning product based in Biopolymers, Syntan and Vegetal Extract.

SERTAN DM : Retanning product based in Bipolymers containing some Vegetal Extract.


Of course this Mimosa range is too large. It’s necessary to select the products according the market and requested prices.

This is necessary depending mimosa uses and competitor product origin:

–          Original Brazil – South Africa

–          India Origin regular.

–          India Origin low or retanning articles use.