In 2010 we began the REACH registration process of a long chain paraffin based grease polymer (more than 18C). Currently we have multiplied production of these products by 25% due to its growing demand. Seroil SOF and Seroil SPN are unoxidable fatliquor odourless, especially suitable for white leathers, wet-white articles and vegetable tanning where light colors are required, doubleface, gloving, etc. When used in tanning baths it improves bleaching and wool cleaning. Its multiple applications on the skin allow excellent results.

SEROIL SOF: Product at 45% of active material SEROIL SPN: Product to 60% of active material

We recommend our customers not to use products containing short chain paraffins and that they gradually replace products containing medium chain paraffins with long chain products. It is a simple process to reduce risks and customer complaints, while obtaining a noticeably improved article.